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This is an overview of different examples of strategies, and the elements of strategies. The facilitators provide some examples of strategies utilised around the world, and ones that have been highlighted by the participants.



Required materials


Key explanation points

Notes for facilitators:

  • Refer to the section in the introduction of the manual on ‘recognising strategies’ for more points on strategies.
  • This presentation includes some ‘set’ points on strategies, but it is important that one integrates here the strategies and examples that emerged naturally during Day One discussions—even though we do not specifically talk about strategies on Day One, they will come up throughout the day. In addition, we may not have considered all the different things participants were doing as ‘strategies’.
  • Reinforce the fact that no judgements are made about strategies, and that there are different sides to them. They have strengths and weaknesses. What works in one context does not in another; what does not work at one point in time may be worth trying at another point.
  • Allow the group to respond to the presentation on strategies. Brainstorm on various strategies that activists use to stay well and safe, because this is also an opportunity for them to share their own strategies. Emphasise repeatedly the private side if it is not emerging enough. Summarise, and move to group work after a break.