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A presentation that summarises workshop points and draws out key spoken and unspoken underlying themes.


Presentation and discussion

Required materials


Key explanation points

A primary task of the facilitators is to listen carefully to participants and to ‘reflect’ back to them some of the key themes and concerns—spoken and unspoken—raised during the workshop. This is an ongoing process, and part of it will happen during the ‘contextual analysis’ presentation and discussion on Day Two.

However, it is particularly important that on the final day of the workshop, the facilitators prepare a specific reflection presentation that relates to the themes participants raised on the first two days of the workshop.

This is a time to summarise the workshop and an opportunity to raise deeper, unspoken—yet critical—issues that require participants’ attention.

In past workshops, this reflection has addressed themes such as coping with fear, violence, breaking down barriers, grief and dealing with stresses that seem insurmountable.

Facilitation notes

After the reflection presentation, the group will have an opportunity to respond, to add comments and to elaborate ideas. This is time set aside for reactions, but also can be used to discuss something that is missing orneeds more work.

Keep in mind that this can be a difficult process for participants, and reactions can be strong and emotional.

The download below is meant as an example for facilitators only—a reflection presentation always should be adapted to the participants’ contexts and priorities.

Workshop example

Download Session to see reflection text example.

Download Session 8 »