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Threats assessment group work

By Hanna Larsson

Key explanation points Divide participants into groups of four. Within the groups, each participant lists two important threats they are facing—one ‘private’ and one ‘public’. It is important that they list current, pressing threats (we will use these again in a later exercise). Next, participants should describe the source of the threat (the ‘who’) and … Continued

Threats presentation

By Eva Zillen

Tools to assess threats Key risk-related concepts are as follows – facilitators should prepare the definitions on a flipchart beforehand: Risk: the possibility that some harm will occur; Perceived risk: the idea, or absorbed concept, that a threat is real; Threat: a declared or indicated intention to inflict harm; Capacity: any resource (including abilities and contacts) that improves security; … Continued

Integrated security presentation

By Hanna Larsson

Facilitation notes Alternative option Introduce and weave into the text the presentation on ‘threats’ in this session, rather than in the following Session 4, to keep the discussion flowing.

Workshop overview

By Hanna Larsson

Facilitation notes  The ground rules can be written on a flipchart. Alternately, they can be written on separate pieces of paper and posted around the room, or laid down in the middle circle of the room to serve as reminders of the commitment.